Donovan is now a little over 5 months old and he has mastered sitting - we are so proud!!
He always seems so proud of himself when he sits and he can do it for quite some time before getting tired. He still has very little interest in tummy time and has only rolled over 3 times but... every baby does things on their own time. Donovan just likes sitting up so he can see everything around him - our nosey little boy!!
With all the sitting up came another new milestone - first bath in the big tub! He did really well in there and didn't cry once. He played with his bath toys and tried to eat the washcloth :)
We also got Donovan a Jumparoo this week. It is basically a freestanding jolly jumper. He LOVES the thing and can bounce and jump for a long time. He swing himself back and fourth hopping around - he looks so cute and very happy in it. He is getting so big!
Not too much else going on in the Olden house. Annee and Donovan made it safely back from New Hampshire on February 13th. They came from no snow to a heck of a lot of snow! Donovan was a good traveler despite being sick. He has had a cold for over a week now, his first one ever. We took him to the pediatrician yesterday and luckily, despite how he sounds, his lungs are all clear. He did get weighed while we were there, he is now 17 pounds 14 ounces!! Our big boy!
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